This is my first real tailoring project. A wool coat for Jake.

A wool shirt, pendelton-esque, made for Jason.

This was one one of my first sucesses, a canvas, wool lined coat. Note: I don't recommend lining coats with wool.

I love this skirt but I used a found fabric for the lining. I also didn't heat test it so the lining got charred. Oops.

I made this dress for my college graduation party

This is a design by Susanna who employed me to make it for her wedding rehearsal. It was also her beautiful choice of fabric. Its a subtly metalic silk.

This was my halloween costume a couple years ago. I was a Beckle canvas product.

This is a beautiful chocolate silk with antique lace. Its too light for a dress and too heavy for a slip so I mostly wear it around the house on hot nights.

Made from washers and satin ribbon

I made these for Hannah as a present. The white one is a bull head, not a bikini.

Knit mittens, obviously. Both are "Lamb's pride" worsted. I love that stuff.

These are slippers I made for my dad for christmas. They're a little heavy on the Crafting-For-Men thing but I like them. The soles are made from goat skin scraps from Langlitz leathers.

Re-useable grocery bags, also christmas presents.

Beckel Purses.

This was one of the first things I designed for Beckle.

Modular origami rules!

These are made from folded muslin.

I made this quilt for Becca's son Gus, who was still unborn at the time.

This quilt was made by dying scraps in the same dye bath to create uniformity. I made it for my mother.

And you know, this is what I do at work.
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