I have sent my transcripts to Pratt, RISD, Art Center, and the University of Washington. I have talked to my professors about letters of recommendation. There's is no backing out now. Now I just need to write my letter of intent (which I'm not looking forward to). I have a list of twenty things that will go in my portfolio. The university of Washington requires all twenty but for the other schools I can chose my twelve favorite. So if you own something awesome that I made and have forgotten about now is the time to remind me. I'll be taking official pictures around christmas but here are some teasers.
you rock lady!
i love the new shape of the beckel bag -- ive been seeing a lot of bags in the shape of the first mock up, this one is more original. i also love the beckel tag on the outside -- can i put an order in?
Do you want a picture of Maise's dog coat? Congrats on the school decision. The applications are a pain, but you are more than capable. If I can complete a grad school application, you can!
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