Adam Arnold

My new favorite is a broken spoke. If you want attention to detail this is it. If this man does anything but lock himself in a room matching stripes and counting stitches I will eat my hat. It's beautiful and even at the price he sells it at he can't be making any money so buy up now before he learns better.
A Broken Spoke

Then there is of course Leanne Marshall who is going on to project runway fame but whose fairy inspired Leanimal collections were the worst of DIY designer style. Although I will say that I have seen some stuff that was nice and her excessive use of ruffles can be interesting but there is no gaurantee that her choice of fabrics and proportion will be flatering.

Ha! oh i love you for not holding back. Cant wait to see what the PR judges say about leanimal.
really though, the positive response to her stuff just makes me think that people are bored with standard, symetrical, predictable pieces and it's so incredibly easy to drape extravagant asymetrical drapy foldy confections....if i ever move back to portland i'm going to spend a few months just whipping up one-off party dresses...
You could probably make a small forture. Although I must say I don't fully understand who buys this stuff.
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